Tuesday 27 April 2010

Changing lanes after the recession

I posted this to gain some feeling for people who like me have had to make major employment changes in the last two years. Having worked in fairly secure mid level sales roles within large Norwich companies. I guess that like many others in January 2008 when the words sub prime
first entered my vocabulary, I felt no fear at loosing my job.

Not until the following January did I realise that the issue was serious and unlike the economic down turns that I had witnessed as a child this time it would have real consequences for me.
Having returned to a previous employer in September 2008 recieved my redundancy notice in December and was due to go by March 2009.

I jumped ship luckily I had a good set of contacts to rely on and found work in a private project in Febuary 2009, this was a new business venture with an awesome online model behind it. Unfortunately it had no money behind it and cold calling through the low point of the recession was not one of my brightest ideas and soon the project fell apart.
I bounced back to find self employment with a friend and again the early signs were positive
good response to the product, but being 30 miles away and not earning money this was never really a starter, the result... I damaged a friendship.

I was forced to step back and reconsider everything I had achieved in work with dwindling savings I re assessed my skill base. I had a solid if not spectacular sales record, excellent account management skills, a good education but in truth had never really applied myself to in full to any of my jobs. On reflection I had never enjoyed a corporate environment never engaged in office politics being a free thinker towing the party line has never appealed. In the times I had pushed my ideas forward they involved to much change for the managers around me.

Having a background in print media sales I could see the landscape of business changing around me constantly. Advertisers were enticed in the late 90's-00's by online advertising it was
measurable and quantifiable unlike print media which offered no such metric.
I was tired of punting out products of no real value or use.

After a time unemployed I put my mind to breaking into online developement and I aimed at SEO in Norwich as a career path. I thought mistakenly I could research and teach myself from online resources. In november last year I caught a break and found work with a local developer. He needed a sales minded person to run a small team and push the company forward in return I would have the opprtunity to learn all the skills I would need.
quickly I realised the level of knowledge required was massive not unlike the academic skills I needed to complete my degree. So now as we complete a very busy first quater and I have reorganised the sales and customer account management. I find myself at home each night studying and learning, but If i want to be expert in my field it has to be done.
As I sit and write I can take pride in that my first project has placed a client on a page one google search result.

If you have doubts about you current path or are looking for recruitment to new employment
my advice is look hard there will be a chance some where for you